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2014-04-18 13:29 来源:先锋网络


 monaoak ()
  "China deploys 10 satellites as ‘unprecedented mystery’ over missing Malaysian jet deepens" BUT sadly none of them found to be working as they are made in China? They should have used the US or any western country's satellites for searching the missing Malaysian Airlines plane for pin pointing the crash site in the vast South China sea.
  Sameer Rai (Unknown)


This incident has simply reinforced one ancient point and that is "Whatever you know or are aware of, is science, rest is mystery". As human race we may boast of knowing everything in this universe, but still we have miles to go. Wish that China with all technological prowess is able to locate the craft and end the mystery.
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  terryjones ()
  Wake up India, UK, EU, USA, China act now ! If Islam/Muslims become more dominant in 25 years you will have 3 options: 1. Convert 2. Fight 3. Death History shows this to be True, please do some research
  True Indian (B'lore)
  ya later they also can be used to monitor other countries who raises the claim for islands... Ths is the right time to deploy army, satellite and other surviellence methods
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